Monday, March 21, 2011


My Readership did improve for a short time after the start of the second quarter . From October to November my page views jumped from 11 to 57. It decreased steadily until February it picked back up again. I can recognize where the posts grabbed the most attention because of their subject matter. The most commonly viewed page had harsh facts and a controversial issue that everyone can have an opinion on. My frequency did not play a part in helping get more views. Because I have not been able to get on the blogging website, the blogs I wrote had to be posted close together when I could finally figure out a way to get on. Adding a little media did not make any improvement so I could try to learn how to incorporate more media.
My most popular post was the post titled “yummm…..”. This blog was the most popular because it presented a controversial issue that everyone has an opinion on. Since most people eat meat it is very easy for them to comment and leave their opinion of a common food that they eat. Anyone can read that and say “I’m sorry, I’ve always eaten meat and always will”. I think it grabbed readers attentions because of the disturbing realities of the meat industry. Unfortunately, I hate to read these things but it grabs the attention of people who aren’t as disturbed by the killing of animals this way. My second most popular post was “ghost stories”. I’m thinking people saw the title and assumed I would have some crazy/scary ghost story to share.
I think people are reading my blog on accident because I have no followers besides my classmates. My blog must come up when searching for something related to my topic and they happened to read it.
 I’m still confused how to get more readers if the people I tell aren’t interested. Some friends did actually go and read my blogs, but others don’t have time or don’t care to. Writing about something that grabs readers attention obviously will always get people to read, but it is proven in my blog with gruesome details and gory images. I have trouble thinking of these kind of topics everytime I blog because I think of it more of talking to myself than writing something I want others to read. However, when I wrote about something that I really wanted to see reader’s reactions I received great results. I will try to think of better topics in the future that I want responses to. Because of my difficulty in picking topics in the past, the quality of my blogs are not as good as they could be. Therefore, I would give myself a C+. I need to dig deeper to come up with topics and then I will be more excited about telling people to read and comment.
 I have learned what is pretty obvious, that readers are going to continue to read when your topic continues to be interesting. If you grab their attention in one or two blogs there will be a better chance of them continuing to read your blog. If you write about something that really interests you and gets your attention, it will have a better chance of getting other’s. This can be used in any type of writing, if you like the topic others will too. My persona has not changed much, I still feel like I am writing to myself rather than an audience. However, now that I am evaluating my posts and I see what I can change I see my writer’s persona changing for future blogs.

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