Thursday, November 18, 2010

How Many More Days Until Summer?!

I thought senior year was supposed to be the easiest year? For me it is the hardest by far. I come home from school every day so wiped out that I have to take a nap before even thinking about homework. I have nothing on my mind to write about on a blog because all I can think about is sleep and the homework I haven’t finished yet. College applications are constantly in the back of my mind, stressing me out more and reminding me I can’t slack off. Also, I made the mistake of taking an extra science class on top of all my other classes that changed to phase 5’s without me phasing up. I regret taking that class now because maybe if I had just one less thing to worry about things would be a lot easier.
 Surprisingly though, my getaway from all this stress is work. I don’t mean to rub it in Gene’s face, since he can’t find a job, but I love going to work! You would think having to work during the weekdays would stress me out more but it is a relief and I look forward to it all day! The people I work with make me laugh the whole time and I forget about all the other school stuff I have to get done. Why can’t I just drop out and work full-time making $7.50 an hour? That sounds perfect to me!
 I feel like no one else is as stressed as me because they don’t care anymore or everything is just easy for them. My mom tells me all the time to stop stressing out but I can’t stop worrying about school and my grades. This is the only thing that’s been on my mind lately so this is all I can think to write about. I just can’t wait until I’m accepted to college so I can relax a LITTLE.

1 comment:

  1. Don't stress! It only makes things worse! But it's really good that you like your work- that's how dance is for me. You would think the extra time and effort it takes would stress you out more, but it actually lets you take your mind off the annoying school stuff.
    And don't worry, I take an after school nap almost every day.
    P.S. You and Rachel had a very similar type of week!
