SEEENNNNNIIIIOOOORRRSSS !!!! Can’t believe today is the last full day of high school. We have complained all year about hating the school, the rules, the work, and just about everything possible. We claimed senioritis whenever our parents called us lazy and counted down the days until the last day of school. Now it’s basically here and I wish it would slow down. I’m just now realizing how fast time has gone writing these blogs, and it’s kind of sad. At the same time I’m not because I know there are only better things ahead. This year has been so different than the other three. From the very beginning, everyone gave up on the cliques and all became one big group of friends. My group of friends now consists of about 3 different groups, but we are all friends and I love it. This year is the last for everything that has to do with high school. For homecoming and football games we would say “Aw this is the last one”, but it’s just now setting in. We’ve had our last pep rally, last mass, last precalc class, and last research papers. This year has been all about having fun. We have all had the mentality that enjoying this last year is much more important than spending a million hours studying like last year. However, we did have to get serious about one thing… COLLEGE. I started all my visits this year and stressing about whether or not I would get in to my top school. After I did, all the stress was relieved and I FULLY gave in to senioritis. Every event and special occasion has been so fun because everyone is friends now. It’s just going to be 10 times better for the last things we have left: prom and senior week! Somehow we have 45 people in our group for pictures and riding our bus. This year has been so much fun and I need to go enjoy my last 10 minutes of my last lunch at St. Mark’s! AAAHHH!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Junior Year
Junior year is supposed to be the year you buckle down and do the best in school because it’s hardest and most important year. As it turns out, junior year was a million times easier than senior year. Junior year was so much fun because I developed my close group of friends and so many new things happened. Driving to school was a huge change, and it made me feel so grown up not riding the bus. I carpooled with my best friend and we had so much fun every morning singing, telling stories, and stopping at Dunkin Donuts all the time. This led to numerous visits to welcoming but we didn’t mind. The new freedom of being able to go wherever whenever was a huge deal since I live so far away. However, it soon became really annoying driving 40 minutes to see my friends and dealing with traffic. Sophomore year you cannot wait to be able to drive and then when you can its annoying. School went by way too fast and before we knew it we were getting our class rings and going to prom. Prom was so exciting because it was my first and I could not wait to wear my dress. We had a small group that took a limo and it was so worth the money because it got us so pumped for the dance. I remember the food at prom was terrible and teachers literally weaved in and out all over the dance floor. After-prom turned out to be so much more fun than we expected and the whole night was just great in general. Another new experience for everyone was taking the SATs. People went crazy taking classes and paying $50 an hour for tutors. I bought a SAT book to “study” and only looked at it twice. I have some funny memories from this year including one sleepover where we did not sleep at all. Instead we took a million pictures that are too ugly to put on here, I gave my friend cornrows, and we went to Dunkin Donuts at 4 in the morning. I don’t know why, but that was a really fun night. I also remember staying at my friend’s house for 3 days straight during one of the many blizzards. When it had cleared up a little bit we decided to walk to the McDonalds on Kirkwood Highway right by Mainstreet. It worked out fine on the way there, but on the way back we had to walk in the snow that was piled up from snow plows that was about 3 feet deep. So every car on Kirkwood highway saw us stumble and sink past our knees in snow. I don’t think I have ever laughed so hard in my life. There were so many more good memories like this that I want to remember. I would love to go back and replay junior year because it was so much fun.
Still don't know how to put the pictures on here, but I will at home for the last 3 blogs
Sophomore Year
What makes sophomores think they suddenly are so much more mature than freshmen and they know everything? For some reason, we get really cocky and think we rule the school when really we were still awkward weenies just like the freshmen. Sophomore year is when everyone started to branch out and get a little crazy. Looking back, I think this was my least favorite year. It started off getting cheated on by my first high school boyfriend. I was also still riding the bus which made me feel like an even bigger loser because sophomores are too cool to be riding the bus. The friends from freshman year started to drift apart as I made new ones. My perspectives on people began to change as I saw who the genuine people were. The highlight of sophomore year had to be getting my permit even though it didn’t give you any more freedom because you had to drive with a parent for 6 months. We all thought we were so cool having driver’s ed and getting out of class to drive for 10 minutes. Another highlight was having my first real “high school” relationship, which was great for a while. I do wish I spent more time with friends rather than focusing on my boyfriend for so long. Some people started to have parties this year which we all thought were so cool. We had a lot of fun thinking we were cool sophomores though. Unfortunately, this year is more of a blur than freshman year. I just remember wishing all the time that I was older and that the summer would come sooner.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
freshman year
For my four blogs this quarter, I just decided to reminisce on each year at St. Mark’s. As the school year comes to an end I keep looking back at how much has changed. It makes me sad to think that the people I have surrounded myself with for four years are soon going to be completely out of my life. Many people I probably will never see again. I hope to stay in contact with my closest friends that I have been with since freshman year but because I’m going to college 4 hours away it will be hard to do. I remember the beginning of freshman year seeing 1600 new people and knowing about 3. I went to Caravel Academy for middle school so only a few people decided to leave for high school. I’m pretty sure the first week I didn’t say much but rather observe and try to take in the new environment in which I would be in for 4 years. I knew nothing about anyone so I had no opinions or perspectives like I do now. I made a great group of friends and we were all so dorky and awkward now that I think about it. Most people were freshman year. I remember we didn’t have the same lunch so we would feel like rebels when we would switch lunches to all sit together even though that wasn’t allowed! We all played field hockey together with Dr. Bushey as our coach which was so much fun. I don’t really remember what we did for fun on the weekends, mostly just had sleepovers and went to Sallies dances. The most fun and annoying times freshman year were riding the bus. I met some of my best friends there but hated it at the same time. We had so much fun with our crazy bus driver Don who is about 80 years old and hit a curb at least once a day. We talked about the funniest stuff and made inappropriate signs to get people to honk. Since I live so far away I spent 2 and half hours with those people every day. It’s sad that freshman year is kind of a blur. I barely remember what I did; I just know we were all awkward and looking for the swimming pool on the 4th floor. Time is going by way to fast and I just regret the times when I would complain “I can’t wait till summer” or “I can’t wait till this weeks over”. I would go back to being an awkward freshman in a heart beat.
Cute right ?
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